Submit A Prescription

Send Directly From Your EHR

Using the SureScripts EHR, search for MedQuest Pharmacy by name or zip code (84054) in the pharmacy directory. See Quick Start Tips.

Call In A Verbal Order

Reach us at 888-222-2956 to place a verbal order, select option 4 to get in touch with a pharmacist.

Send Us A Fax

Fax your prescription to MedQuest at (866) 373-2979.

Use eMedPlus for ePrescribing

Interested in prescribing with our pharmacy? Fill out this online form and we will get in touch with you.


Advantages of Using eMedPlus to ePrescribe

EPCS® Certified

eMedPlus has been audited by the DEA and meets all qualifications necessary to prescribe controlled substances electronically

Priority Care

Because the MedQuest team uses eMedPlus, providers and pharmacy staff have access to the same information, allowing for easy and seamless communication

Integrated & Efficient

Move away from paper faxing and quickly update prescriptions and orders for quick turnaround times.

Would you rather fill out a form and fax it to us? Download the New MedQuest Prescriber form and fax it to (866) 373.2979

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